NPHI Statement on the Passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

NPHI Statement on the Passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – In the aftermath of the former First Lady, Mrs. Rosalynn Carter’s passing, Tom Koutsoumpas, CEO of the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation (NPHI) and a leading advocate for not-for-profit advanced illness, hospice, and palliative care providers, has issued the following statement: “NPHI is deeply saddened

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Honoring Our Nations Veterans: New Veterans Resources Guide Unveiled to Unlock Vital Benefits to Support Our Heroes at Life’s End

[WASHINGTON D.C.] November 9, 2023 – In commemoration of Veterans Day, the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation (NPHI) is proud to announce today the launch of a groundbreaking Veterans Resources Guide designed to simplify access to invaluable information and benefits for Veterans and their dedicated caregivers. Titled “Serving Those Who Served

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