70 Not-for-Profit Hospice and Advanced Illness Care Providers Launch Toll-Free 24/7 Hotline


Caregivers and others seeking care at home for people with advanced illness can now reach 70 hospice and palliative care providers by calling one toll-free number: 1-844-GET NPHI

Especially at this time, care in the home for people with advanced illness is imperative

WASHINGTON, DC—When faced with advanced illness or end-of-life care, many people prefer in-home treatment from a not-for-profit hospice, advanced illness and palliative care provider with deep roots in their community, but too often, they don’t know where to turn.

That’s why 70 mission-driven, not-for-profit providers of at-home care nationwide, under the umbrella of the National Partnership for Hospice Innovation (NPHI), are launching a telephone referral network: 1-844-GET-NPHI (1-844-438-6744).

“Making the decision to receive hospice, advanced illness or palliative care can be stressful under the best of circumstances, let alone when patients and families are unsure of their options and the quality and safety of the care provided,” said Tom Koutsoumpas, president and CEO of NPHI. “This new toll-free number makes a formerly complicated process simple by providing access to all 70 providers, allowing families to find the care they need, even when they and their loved ones are in different parts of the country.”

NPHI member programs—many of which are among the oldest and largest advanced illness care providers in the country—work together to share best practices and implement innovative care solutions with a focus on meeting the needs of their patients and caregivers. Members range from large programs caring for thousands of people daily to smaller programs caring for fewer than 100 people in their communities. While inpatient care is an option, overwhelmingly NPHI members care for patients wherever they permanently reside.

“Care from a not-for-profit hospice and advanced illness group is simply different. Our mission is to provide compassionate care to all those with life-threatening illnesses, not to deliver profits for shareholders,” said Robert Cahill, president and CEO of NorthStar Care Community, which is providing the infrastructure for the toll-free number. “When families consider their care options for a loved one dealing with an advanced illness, our hope is that they choose a not-for-profit palliative care and hospice provider. It can make a huge difference in their loved one’s quality of life in their final months, weeks and days.”

The launch of the national provider network and the toll-free hotline are vital links between not-for-profit advanced illness care providers and the communities they serve, including the most vulnerable patients. The member organizations serve veterans dealing with chronic illness and care for the most complex cases, as well as for community members otherwise overlooked including the homeless, uninsured, underinsured and those living in often underserved areas like inner cities and rural areas. NPHI members never refuse to serve anyone because of their inability to pay. NPHI members are the advanced illness safety net of the communities they serve.

Those in need of advanced illness care, including hospice, should call 1-844-GET-NPHI (1-844-438-6744) to learn about the NPHI member or another not-for-profit, care-at-home provider nearest to them.

Contact: Amy Martin Vogt, 202-868-4807, AMartinVogt@MessagePartnersPR.com

About the National Partnership for Hospice Innovation
The National Partnership for Hospice Innovation (NPHI) is a collaborative of 70+ not-for-profit, community-integrated, hospice and palliative care providers from across the United States who play a unique role as a crucial safety net for the sickest, most vulnerable patients in the communities they serve. For more information, visit www.nphihealth.org.

About NPHI
The National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation (NPHI) is the leading organization representing nonprofit, community-based hospice and advanced illness care providers. Committed to excellence, NPHI’s members ensure patients and families receive compassionate, high-quality care that respects their goals, values, and dignity. Together, we are transforming healthcare by helping advance innovative, person-centered models and strengthening collaboration with leaders, policymakers, and healthcare partners across the nation. Learn more at nphihealth.org.